El problema de la gestión de la inclusión de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la educación rural Peruana
The research work presented below will analyse whether the investment in training in ICTrelated issues influences the Educational Management and the Teaching and Learning
Processes of the educational institutions of Regular Basic Education of the educational levels
of primary (6 to 12 years of age) and secondary (12 to 17 years of age) belonging to six Peruvian
villages of rural areas. For this purpose, various quantitative instruments were applied to
teachers at three times (baseline, midterm and expost) in two school years. The population of
this work was 40 teachers, all from rural areas of the Peruvian highlands and jungle (Amazonas,
Cajamarca and Junín). The results show that, in the four dimensions analysed, the progress was
significant through the three stages of the evaluation, which shows that the inclusion of ICT
offers great opportunities for improving educational management and teaching processes
learning in the institutions studied.